Gardening & Marriage

Today on my way to work I started thinking about what I was going to plant in my garden this spring. One of my favorite things to plant is tomato plants. Last year I planted 42 tomato plants and was so excited about the fruit that it was going to produce. As the...

The Unspoken Issue (Part 1)

Have you ever sat with a friend, talking over dinner but your focus is not on the conversation? Your mind is not just wandering, but is rather fixated on one thing on the table. Maybe you stare at the bread basket in the middle, as you think about not eating more than...

Through the Stained Glass

First Presbyterian Church is a beautiful, historic church with excellent teaching and I am blessed to be able to worship there. One Sunday, I was sitting in Church and glanced over at the stained glass windows. I have always thought the windows were very pretty but...

Back to Mayberry

I was a child of the 80’s. I grew up on a steady intake of 80’s pop culture ranging from Transformers to The Cosby Show. Recently however, I have been enjoying a revisiting of my wife’s formative years, which were very different than my pogo ball and Mr. T infused...

Sight Without Vision

Helen Keller was asked once “What would be worse than being born blind?” to which she replied “Having sight without a vision.” I find this to be one of the most profound statements I have ever heard because this little girl was born deaf, blind, and mentally...

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